Early in 2006, a few of America’s leading health care policy experts decided it would be beneficial if they banded together to create a bi-weekly compendium of the best of the nation’s health care blogs. Thus was Health Wonk Review born.
Those health care thought leaders also decided in order to sustain the effort they should spread the responsibility around. The way to do that, they thought, would be to have each of them, in sequence, take responsibility for finding the more notable published work over the prior two week period. The job would then be to read it all, select the very best, write a brief summary of each work and publish the compendium on their own sites. This meant Health Wonk Review would rotate through the various sites of the participating health care hunter/gatherers.
The first Health Wonk Review was published 24 February 2006, and it’s been going strong ever since. As you can imagine, it’s a daunting task if it’s your week, but the founders dedication has never wavered (our friends at Workers’ Comp Insider were among the founders). As health Wonk Review gained national notoriety, the founders decided to lighten their load by requiring authors to submit their work for consideration. That’s how it works now. In this way, it’s become quite an honor to have your work included.
The topics covered are all over the health care map, and they include workers’ compensation. But workers’ compensation is a tiny caboose at the end of the great big health care train, so the Review focuses primarily on everything about the ACA (the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare), the AHCA (the American Health Care Act, otherwise known as Trumpcare), the expansion of Medicaid, health care research and economics and a whole lot more. However, because workers’ compensation is so heavily influenced by the greater health care debate, the Review is an excellent way to stay up on the latest trends and thinking.
Health Wonk Review is published every other Thursday, and we have a new edition today. It’s up at XPOPSTFACTOID, and the blog’s host is Andrew Sprung. Give it a look. Andrew has assembled a lot of important information that we in the workers’ compensation arena need to know. His summaries are excellent.